Monday 7 June 2010

A little disappointed

Squash seed orientation is important, I planted pointed end down and this is the worst. According to this forum the best way is flat sideup to give strong healthy shoots. So now I know!
I went up today to dig over the top section where I am going to plant my squash family plants. I had dug some of it last weekend with the help of Mark so I continued and planted (from right to left) 2 pumpkin, 2 courgette [all green bush] and 2 more courgette[Nero di Milan]. Lucky for me another allotmenteer gave me about 20 beetroot plants they had grown at home so I planted those in around the pumpkin and courgette.

The potatoes and onions are disappointing (v.little) as are the parsnips which do not appear to have germinated but at least they are not engulfed in weeds so maybe I just need to be more patient. I think it has probably been to dry for them. I watered but it is hard to know how long to give them when it doesn't seem to go much below the surface. I even gave the raspberries a water. The redcurrants look good as do the strawberries. The runner beans look OK so maybe things will be OK. Mark's peas have not come up, they may have been past germination. The radishes sown with the parsnip 2nd row are small but delicious I must plant more next year.