Saturday 25 May 2013

Weeds and not much else

I have just planted Beetroot that I grew at home since the seeds at the allotment just didn't grow, nor the carrots though they did get hoed! The broad beans are doing well, quite healthy. Also planted peas from B&Q these are petit pois.  The peas I planted directly are just coming up and look quite healthy, though smaller than the ones planted at home on window sill.  Only two of six actually grew.  Also 2 sugar snap peas in next to the broad beans.

Earlier in the week I planted courgettes - 8 plants in total, mixed types. However 3 were so small I am not very optimistic. I marked these with a ring of stones. I planted my runner beans against their wigwam, about 10 plants. The ones I grew on the window sill are a little wispy whilst those sown in a pot outside were much sturdier. 

Next to the broad beans I planted six cucumber plants, all look quite healthy. Then I planted 3 Butternut squash and six sad looking Autumn crown squash, marked weak ones with a ring of stone.  All of these I protect with a pet friendly slug pellets used sparingly. All lovingly watered in by R after he repaired the shed.  The hasp was broken off the shed but nothing was taken, nothing much to take!

Petit pois:
Peas : Ambassador
Sugar snap : 
Beetroot :
Cucumber :
Courgette : All Green Bush
Courgette : Defender F1
Butternut Squash :  Butternut Squash

Monday 13 May 2013

Moving into May

This weekend we earthed up the potatoes and planted some broad bean plants we got from bandq. I put up another net for these to be supported against and put a few organic slug pellets down to keep the beasts at bay.r mowed and hoed the onions between rows.  R may have inadvertently hoed a half row of carrots at the top, oh well.

At home the runner bean plants are hardening off as well as the first courgettes.  (I think the plain coir needs nutrients to grow seeds effectively.) I hope to plant out runner beans, courgettes and peas before we go away.  The cucumbers are looking good litho ugh 3 have died back after looking very healthy.

Broad Beans.  :    The Sutton    17 plants in total

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Hot and. ..... The weeds are coming

I have just got back from the allotment, wow it's hot. I just went to put up the bean frame and a net for the peas. Put some bean seeds in for beans and peas on the west side of the pea net, to help replace those that will be eaten by slugs.  The plants at home are ok though some of the leaves seem misshapen.

The potato area is now looking rather green.  Too many weeds pushing up! I need to earth them up.