Monday 9 May 2011

After the rain!

We had some rain! Not much but .. it has been so unusually sunny - hot and dry in April!

We spent all of Sunday weeding the onions, digging and erecting the bean wigwams. I sowed the seeds directly into the soil and wished I had done it earlier as other peoples beans are now starting up their poles. Only two broad bean plants germinated which is pretty poor. I put a row of carrot seeds in the runner bean wigwam (12 seeds planted, 2 either side of each the first 3 pole pairs). The other poles have climbing French Beans []. Not sure why I bought these seeds so I hope they are tasty.

I weeded the parsnips, beetroot and sugar snaps at the bottom part of the allotment. Also might be some carrots too. The redcurrants and strawberries need netting to prevent the birds stealing the lot again.